I was talking to LW today and we were both discussing how we are so busy, and complain about being busy, but always find something else to do in order to keep that little bit of stress in our lives... There’s work, school, spending time with LW, working on the house, hiking, family, search and rescue, church… the list goes on. Things haven’t changes but I think my priorities have a little.
I’ve always considered myself a driven person – I want to be successful, and be good at what I do, and I’m lucky to be able to have a job I really like. BUT – sitting at the airport on a Monday night after spending all last week on the road, and watching the workaholics around me try to fit one more call in before their flight, makes me really rethink my priorities. I’ve always thought I’d like to “work to live” instead of “living just to work” but have I really? Maybe it’s the veil of new love but I really don’t know if this work/school/busy all the time thing is really the best way to go… Or at least being so busy that you can’t fit in spontaneous fun…
I already work from home half time but maybe that’s not enough – I can work less than 40 hours a week if I want, but that starts to cut into the finances… I’m blessed with a flexible schedule – and a job I can do from anywhere, at any pace I select – I guess I just need to decide what I want to do.