I broke out of work today and went hiking - all it took was a creative out of office message and a few 12 hour days earlier in the week.
Asia - (Asia the wonder dog if you're nasty) of course accompanied me. With the remodel she's been home a lot lately and needed to get out as much as I did.
When I think about all the things that I try to juggle - relationship, family, faith, friends, hiking, remodeling, work, (at least grad school is done), I constantly feel like I'm not devoting the time I need to everything.
Maybe I'm too busy, or have too many things on my plate. I haven't even blogged in a few months!
I guess it's something to think about. Usually I don't fix things until they are broken, the problem with all these things is I don't really want to wait until they're broken.
At least I got some quality time with my mutt outside today.
The use of a Janet Jackson song to describe your dog made me cry. In fact I can’t type very well through the tears. Excellent.
Love you babe. Glad you're getting out and doing something you love.
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